KBS Capital Advisors LLC is providing this notice and acting on behalf of KBS Real Estate Investment Trust II, Inc., KBS Real Estate Investment Trust III, Inc., KBS Strategic Opportunity REIT, Inc., KBS Strategic Opportunity REIT II, Inc., KBS Growth & Income REIT, Inc. and KBS Capital Markets Group LLC.
The type of information we collect from you (“non-public information” or “NPI”) depends on the product or service you have with us. NPI may include:
We collect your personal information, for example, when you
We also collect your personal information from others, such as: broker-dealers, financial advisors, IRA and other custodians and other similar entities; our affiliates; and other companies.
We may disclose any of the categories of NPI that we collect to non-affiliated companies as permitted by law and for our everyday business purposes, such as to process transactions, maintain accounts, respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus, as well as to non-affiliated third parties who perform services for us or functions on our behalf. This includes third parties that perform marketing services on our behalf. We may also disclose any of the categories of NPI that we collect to affiliates so that they may market KBS products and services and to non-affiliated third parties for those third parties’ own marketing purposes.
The KBS network of affiliated companies and unaffiliated third-party service providers works together to maintain an efficient and effective network of products and services. We collect, use and share NPI about you in order to make you aware of our products and services, to provide you with products and services that you request, and to comply with legal and regulatory requirements. By sharing your NPI with KBS-affiliated companies, non-affiliated companies and service providers, we are better able to serve your investment needs and also suggest services, products, or educational materials that may be of interest to you. We may use the NPI that we collect in the following ways:
In addition to the types of third parties referenced under “Categories of Non-Public Information That We Disclose,” we may disclose NPI about you to the following types of third parties:
If you prefer that we not disclose NPI about you to non-affiliated companies in connection with the marketing of those non-affiliated companies’ products and services, you may opt out of these disclosures. You may direct us not to make such disclosures (except where such disclosures are permitted by law). If you wish to opt out of disclosures of NPI to non-affiliated third parties for marketing purposes, you may send a written request to:
KBS REITs – Privacy Notice C/O DST Systems,
PO Box 219015,
Kansas City, MO 64121-9015
or email your request to ir@kbs-cmg.com.
Along with your request, please include the following information:
We maintain administrative, electronic, and technical safeguards that comply with federal regulations and that are designed to protect the confidentiality and security of your NPI. We also restrict access to NPI to those employees who have a legitimate business need for the information.
If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will provide a new notice that reflects our new policy. Additionally, we will provide a new opt out notice and an opportunity to opt out of disclosures of NPI to non-affiliated third parties.
NPI of former customers will be treated as described in this policy
© 2020 KBS Capital Markets Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
© 2020 KBS Capital Markets Group, LLC.
All Rights Reserved.